All about loving our parents, is it??

Published October 3, 2008 by Ambika



 I was busy with my thoughts…

What if my parents some day feel they do not need me any more?? Would they leave me in a ‘Young Age Home??’

That would be a lot of pain to endure, to be abandoned by your own parents!!!

I tried to feel what that would actually feel like. No pain.

I tried feeling harder. Imagining myself crying out to NO-ONE. Still no pain. Weird.

But I think I have the answer. I did not feel the pain, because somewhere in my heart, I know such a thing would never happen. My parents loved me too much to leave me alone!!!


OMG!!! Does that mean they could do that to my grand ma some day? ‘NEVER’ said a voice inside, stronger this time. They loved her even more. I breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, don’t we all love our parents? C’mon of course we do!! What a silly thing to ask!

Then whom do we have such places for?? They aren’t surely unoccupied, are they? Or only people, who do not have a family, stay in those ‘Old Age Homes?’

Friends, what kind of children are those who leave their old parent(s) in so-called Homes, just because they themselves could lead a better life? I’ve never seen such people! But then, I’ve never seen God too, but He sure does exist.


“Mom, I want pizza today!” That’s a common chime, right? What difference would it make if JUST 1 DAY, we say: “Dadima, how about some Kheer made by you today!” Believe me, she wouldn’t even think once about her paining knees!

We talk about sports and stocks all day with our friends. What difference would it make if we spent a little time with our Grandfathers discussing their lifetime-experiences?

A little time less in front of the T.V. and a little time more with our Grannies & Grandpas wouldn’t harm much, would it? And for them, it would be a blessing!!

You have your parents and friends to turn to. You have your schools, colleges and workplaces to go to. You probably don’t even have much time for your own self. But grandparents? They have all the time in the world for you. And all they have is YOU!

For those who do not or did not have the opportunity of spending time with their Grandparents, there are always people like the one I saw in the balcony, looking out for someone who could give them a Moment of Smile!


“Ticket hoyeche aapnar??” (Have you bought your ticket? – Bengali) That was the bus-conductor calling.

Now, out of my thoughts, I went home, happy. I looked for my grandma and smiled. The joy of seeing me since morning was evident on her face. Strange, I never noticed it before.

I went up to her, and silently rested my head on her lap. It just felt the right thing to do. And this time, I did not have to look up to see, that her expressions were not empty!!


N.B.: I have ‘keyboarded’ (read: penned) my thoughts as they came, after what I saw the other day. Have a Good day!

14 comments on “All about loving our parents, is it??

  • Interesting end u bring about to this incident..
    Sadly, I do not have any of my grandparents to lean my head on…
    Hey but there are my parents, I sure love them, but have i expressed any of it? I question myself.. Blank! Nothing..

    I once remember visiting an old age home with my school friends as a part of the small social club that we had formed during school.. I remember this one lady, who had all smiles on her face to see us! She would dance , sing and what not.. She told me the reason for her having to be in such home, She had lost her family and had nobody to live with.. But she also said that most of her friends were abandoned by their children, but they still wanted to go back home and take care of their grand children..

    I felt sad that day.. The social service club disintegrated right after school and now it’s been years since i have been there.. It has been moved to some other place outside of Chennai i was once told by a friend..

    That leaves me with a lot of thoughts Ambika.. But somehow i seem to forget about it as time goes by..

    Take care of ur Grandma..


  • @ kunal
    Thanks for your comment. True that we tend to overlook such little issues, because expressing love sure does help!

    May be you could connect with your friends and start your club again. If not regularly, you could make it a point to visit the Old Age homes on special occassions like Deewali, Christmas etc. It sure gives a lot of satisfaction to help bring a smile on someone’s face. 🙂

    And as for my grand ma.. I do and will surely do that.. always. 🙂

  • @Ambika..
    I’m going to suggest this blog to my readers..
    Keep blogging..

    PS: Why do u keep changing the name of the blog.. I now have to change the neme in the friend links section of my blog 😛 The old theme was better, this is not so cool..

  • Hey! Nice post….I have been thinking about blogging on this topic for sometime…I too have grandparents at home with who I feel I do not spend enough time…. 😦
    Well written

  • Hey Shilpa..

    Great seeing you here!! Thanks for sparing time to read and comment 🙂

    As for your grandparents.. They sure would be waiting for you to realise it.. so go ahead A.S.A.P. 🙂

    @ Kunal
    Hey thanks a lot for recommending my blog 😀 Thats good motivation!And now that I know you will have to change the name everytime, I change… I would change it even sooner 😛 😛
    I forgot, what theme I had.. will change it soon 🙂

    Keep reading both of you,

  • @shilpa..

    Haha.. These are mails that she composes and sends out.. so that people get notified.. ‘To return to the Blog’..

    If u have now got used to WordPress, u should have known that for every comment a user leaves on the blog.. The admin gets to see the IP and the email id of the user.. That’s where i got ur’s from!

    If u have subscribed to the blog by email.. U will get email notifications about the new posts.. That’s provided by feedburner.. Everything else, including comment notification is manual….

  • Hey ambika this was really heart touching…. i loved it very much and i m definately going to ask all my friends to read it…Its very well written…

    keep blogging

  • @ Nandita,

    Thanks a ton for your time and appreciation. Your comments sure motivates me to write more and better..

    Keep Coming Back,
    Hope to see u around again,

  • Abhay..

    Having lost my grandpa I can understand what it is like not to have a grand parent. But as I said, there are always other Grand Parents who are in need of the same love.
    Your profession is as good as visiting an Old-age.

    Thanks for visiting.. And taking time out to comment.

    Hope to see you around again,

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